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What future lies in the jaguar’s eyes?

Did you know that Belize’s forests play host to Central America’s largest surviving population of jaguars? Now consider the fact that, in the last 10 years alone, Belize’s forest cover has been slashed by 59%. Imagine those charismatic cats padding proudly through the greenery, even as it shrinks around them. Like them, we should all watch carefully for the dangers up ahead.

For this reason, in a repeat of last year’s feat, Idioma will once again be donating 10% of sales (from 12am Friday 26th November until 12am Tuesday 30th November) to World Land Trust - - to secure territory in the threatened ecosystems of our world. 

We’ve said it once, we’ll say it again...

We, at Idioma, are driving at something different. We are not offering reductions simply because we overdo production. In fact, there are no reductions at all. We have other priorities.

We can all make a conscious decision to consume less but, at the same time, get more for our money. Let us explain...

Languages are seeded and rooted to the land, fed and inspired by the features and the fields. And so, our conversation comes from the very ground around us. Without our lands, our speech patterns and profiles will, in time, perish.

So maybe, just maybe, if we can protect a place, pitch or plot, then there’s all the more chance the lives and languages inherent there will remain, self-maintain, grow and gain.

Save the Earth, save our souls 

Idioma’s partnership with World Land Trust and their ‘Buy an Acre’ initiative - - means that your purchase will directly support the Belize Maya Forest Trust to preserve 1,267 acres of natural wildlife corridor, and contribute to protecting 9% of Belize’s entire landmass.

Credit: Tomás Waller / FBA - Cordoba Province

Maya Forest, Belize. Image credit: Tony Rath /

The funds raised will secure safe passage through the Selva Maya - a region that reaches into Guatemala and Mexico - for the puma, the Baird’s tapir, the great curassow, Moralet’s crocodile, howler monkey, and many more. This tropical and subtropical paradise of biodiversity and broadleaved beauty houses a joyful jungle jostle of more than 200 species of tree, 70 species of mammal and 400 species of birds. It is, simply put, perfect for preservation. You can read more about the Maya Forest project here.

Chacoan Peccary - Marianela Velilla / Guyra.

Photo Credit: Gwynne Braidwood - Yucatan Spider Monkey

Argentine Boa Constrictor - Tomás Waller

Photo credit: Tony Rath /

A part of the funds raised will also be distributed to the 'Keepers of the Wild' initiative - - where rangers, hired locally by WLT partners, act as the first responders in conservation, representing all of us in their respect and responsibility for the natural world. 

Love the land, give pride to the people, and reap what you sow

Like many before/alongside/after us, we are looking for a fix for the future. That is why Idioma will be donating 10% of proceeds from sales during the ‘Black Friday’ weekend (from 12am Friday 26th November until 12am Tuesday 30th November) to World Land Trust and their partners, to purchase land in endangered areas and provide local communities with the resources to preserve them.

Visit the Idioma shop today, consume carefully and purchase proudly.

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